Welcome to The Fastlane

Let us do the marketing you've been missing!

Call for a free consultation: (888) 499-4380

Marketing Made Easy

The “Too Busy” Dilemma

So much to do and so little time! It’s hard to get everything done. Most businesses suffer from an excess of “must do” tasks. “Should do” things get relegated to the back burner unless and until they become urgent. This is how marketing commonly becomes orphaned resulting in missed opportunities and lost market share.

The Right Mix – What Happened?

It is bad that marketing doesn’t get much attention – what’s worse is marketing continues grow more complex. Once local businesses bought air time, billboards, print media and Yellow Pages space – a reasonable plan – but not anymore. “One-to-many” messaging has been surpassed by “self-serve” info: online search and social media.

Getting It Done – Now!

You don’t have to suffer “Marketing Anxiety” any longer! Emertia Marketing will work with you to build and execute your internet marketing strategy. We conduct research, prepare content, manage your websites, distribute your messages across numerous channels and monitor activity – all things that position you in the new marketplace.

Piece of Market – Peace of Mind

There is no escaping it: new marketing means engagement. The tools and techniques for internet marketing are available to everyone – the barrier to entry: TAKING ACTION! Yes, that is “Opportunity” knocking and we have the know-how and services you need to open the door for you. Call to get started now!

Clients Testimonials

I have a lifetime of artwork to publish from fashion and costume design to portrait paintings for romantic novels. David has the savvy and skill to display and market my portfolio on the web the way it is meant to be.

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I have worked with David in many capacities and am always impressed with his ability to study a subject and become an expert in it so quickly.

David has helped us rethink and reorganize our approach to our website and web presence with tremendous results- a 400% increase in traffic after one ...

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David’s support of my membership project has been outstanding. He understands my business strategy and has translated it into the a go-to-market platform. Having him on my team has been a great plus by helping us stay on track and by taking advantage of all the different technologies involved.

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I needed a website to show my portfolio to potential clients. What was produced became more than that since I wound up using it for Show & Tell while teaching at TC3. The site turned out great and I really like the extra videos.

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